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Who's The Boss ft Buzzfeed


What does it take to successfully deliver news and entertainment to hundreds of millions of people around the world 🌎 ?

Would you believe us if we told you it was as simple as a well-timed meme? 😜

This week's episode of Who's The Boss feature, the Director of Client Partnerships at Buzzfeed πŸ“ˆ, the global media company known for cat videos 😽, breaking news 🚨 and finding out which Harry Potter character you are by answering a few short questions πŸ§™

Diana Diep and Liza Hicks are in the πŸ”₯ hot seat πŸ”₯ this week as we grill them on several of Nate's raisons d'Γͺtre. Ok maybe the questions aren't that deep, but we definitely threw some curveballs in ⚾️ to keep the First Ladies πŸ‘‘ of Buzzfeed on their toes.

Who's The Boss is the only LinkedIN original series that puts your dynamic, smart and relatable staff in the spotlight, for the world to appreciate and admire.